View this post on InstagramToday I woke not feeling my best. I feel pretty amazing 99% of the time so this isn’t something that should be a worry. Maybe I ate some bad chia seeds:) ____ Something happened today however. I woke feeling dizzy {no pun intended} as I stood. I then became a bit sad. I began thinking ? what if I REALLY am sick? What if something truly is wrong with my health. Who would be there for me? ____ I don’t have children. I have a track record of ending engagements in the eleventh hour. I’m not married. I don’t even have a boyfriend?. I’m actually ok with all of this. Well, kind of. ____ I’ve been alone the majority of my life. Had a fiancé for ten years. Broke it off & became single and celibate for seven years in my twenties. I had two engagements after that but they both weren’t for me. Every time I get into relationship I feel that I am getting closer and closer to whom my soul desires as a life partner. ____ as I look back, I can’t imagine myself with any of the people I have been with in the past. We are just vibrating on completely different levels. ____ I think this is what happens. We grow as people we change and we evolve. What was once for our highest good we would not even consider at this point. It’s important for us to not be afraid to be alone. Knowing that whether you were in your 20s, 40s, 60s or 80s, there is someone out there for you that is meant to be your life partner. ____ so yeah, I got a little sad today wondering if anyone will ever be there to lift me when I fall. But then I went outside, both of my dogs licked my delicate ankles, a hummingbird wizzed by me and a butterfly landed on my canning jar full of tea. And out of the blue I heard the words “He’s on his way”! ____ Now my dizzy spell has turned into a spell of inviting happiness into my life even more so than I’ve already had. ___ I love you ~ please ? love yourself ____ #selflove #selfcare #selfconfidence #yoga #yogatrapeze #yogaswing #selfgrowth #growth #inspiration #motivation #tuesdaymotivation ##goodvibesonly #yogainspiration #detoxyourlife #detox #detoxspecialist #detoxyourmind #writersofinstagram #writingcommunity #flow #vegansonig #yogaeverydamnday #detoxyobody